Lidingö Golfklubb har åter blivit Geo Certifierade!

Publicerat: 2023-03-16 - 19:34 - Skrivet av Anders Green

Den 10 mars fick vi besked om att vi åter uppfyllt alla krav för den prestigefyllda internationella certifieringen för kvalificerat miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete av Geo Foundation.

On behalf of the GEO Foundation team and its Board of Directors, we are delighted to confirm that Lidingö Golfklubb is officially GEO Certified®. Many congratulations to you and the team for your outstanding work in fostering nature, conserving resources and supporting the community.

Upon achieving certification, Lidingö Golfklubb will be awarded the following:

  • The club's Certification Report and directory page will soon be updated at the GEO Foundation website:
  • A separate email will provide your official GEO Certification and a PDF of your Certification Report, which we will upload to the club’s OnCourse account.
  • You will also receive a link to your GEO Certified® assets – a suite of communications materials which includes logos, posters, social media graphics, presentation slides and press release template.

Thank you again for your leadership, strengthening golf’s image and playing your part for a more sustainable future.

Thank you and regards,
Carole Kerrey
Manager, Certification, Data and Reporting